Pop Art Pictures
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There are many Pop Art pictures that are memorable, cool and funky.
page gives you a range that you may wish to investigate further
Warhol, as an image is a striking one, the self portrait to the
right is a strong image that pop artists have replicated many times
over, indeed Warhol himself used the same concept a number of times.
Although not the first on the pop art scene, he was the man who is best
remembered for the paintings we all know and love.
also pioneered the mass produced silk screen process, which
revolutionised art and even the public's perception of art.
If you wish to look at a range of Warhol works in our gallery then please click here.
Other incredible pictures include the works of Roy Lichtenstein such as
his wonderful 'Drowing Girl'
There are many things that make this image so cool, so evocative. It
really does encapsulate what Lichtenstein was trying to achieve when he
used strong comic like pictures to create masterpieces.
This image also has a desperation about it, which makes you want to
dive in and save the girl.
For more Roy Lichtenstein images, click here to visit our dedicated Lictenstein pages
This really is a great picture.
The next image that I wish to present return us to Andy Warhol.
most famous of the Warhol works, among many, are the Campbells Soup Can
and is multiple images of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe and Elvis
Presley (his painting Eight Elvis's sold for a cool $100 million!)
If you want to find out more, please use the links below...
There are a range of other classic Warhol pictures such as the
soup can to the right. This really does summarise the quality of
what Warhol was able to achieve.
He used everyday objects and pictures, taken from advertising and
created something very special indeed from them.
There are a range of images created of this. Many more of these can be
found on our dedicated Andy Warhol
Want to order the above 1968 Classic Andy Warhol Screenprint image -
click on the Soup
Can to visit our Andy Warhol Pop Art Store.
One final image I would like to share with you is the classic Wham
image below by Roy Lichtenstein. A bright and incredible picture by one
of the greatest, using it's comic book style to create a bold
You can find more information at the Painting Directory. We are listed under Pop Art Painting category
